Saturday, April 29, 2006

Why am I writing this at 2.25am on a Saturday night when I should be sleeping and not wasting my time thinking and worrying about where we came from?

Well, it is a great relief when you are able to write what is on your mind to some thing like this. I could not sleep; I had to write this down before I sleep today.

How did all this start? I always wanted to know what is out there in the universe but like a dream you will not know ever anything about it in your life time for we are small piece of sand in this great universe and our pride minds and abilities are so small to know anything beyond what we are able to see from earth. We think we are the most gifted creation of God that is destined to control the world and other creations. We haven't even traveled to the depths of the sea (Hey that is in our own earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and we think we have achieved everything that is there in this world. Hey arrogance your name is human.

There were many theories about how we become what we are. There were dinosaurs millions of years ago in this world, we do not have a single one of them here now; they all perished at some point of time. Have there been any initial forms of humans during that time? Did they survive the great shower of meteors that killed everything on the face of earth? Why are there different types of people on earth? Why we have different skin colors? How did life start? Was it from some single substance? if it was, how did it become so diverse? What made one life form change so dramatically to become the life forms we see today? If this can happen in earth, why can not it happen in some other areas of the universe?

Let us go for a trip in the fastest spaceship that we are yet to build. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Hey dear pilot, do you know where you are going and what is out there? Let us go back and live in our beautiful planet and like I said be happy to be a piece of sand.

I was watching a TV program today and I was amazed to see the number of people who claimed to have had sex with an alien!!!!!!!. All those things looked really weird to me, but then I started thinking. What would have happened millions of years ago?

One of the famous theories that we believe as close to truth is this. Asteroid Theory…. If there was a big collision with earth, the impact of it was huge enough to erase entire dinosaur population from earth, where did it hit the earth so hard and why don’t we see any signs of such a big collision now. Tell you what, this really sounds so stupid because of my lack of knowledge in these types of subjects. I am just writing down what spontaneously came out of my mind. I guess you will only give it that much seriousness.

My alternative theory is this. Dinosaurs did not die due to an Asteroid collision. They were probably erased by Aliens to prepare a ground for a second home for them when they need it. They prepared this planet to have life forms that is similar to their own home. They created different type of similar life forms that existed in their planet. May be one section of us or all of us have similar life forms in some remote planet in this universe. Think about this, what if they created everything like what they have in their planet, we look like them then we would not even recognize if an alien is running next to you when you are jogging, walking next to you on your way to work, sitting in the next table while having dinner with your sweetheart. Are you sweating? Not yet right. But we know now that this is possible through technologies like cloning. May be they just created us to study how they become what they are, how they evolved…… May be there is only one type of species in their planet, some alien form with a male, female variation and they want to experiment with out disturbing the composition of life in their own planet and they found earth to be the most ideal one. Darwin's theory is like this just a theory; we believe it to be the most ideal because it suits what we know from fossils and what we see now. May be it is true but has probably happened after aliens created life on earth millions of years ago.

Let us think what we will do if we were them. If we are an advanced life form and we understand that the life on earth can not go on like this for ever; there will be a time when we are unable to meet the requirement of the number of people living in this planet. What do you do then? Let us think about another scenario, if we consider the Asteroid Theory to be true, what stops it from happening again to the world, what if it happens again, if dinosaurs can be extinct what stops mankind and other species in this planet to be extinct in a similar situation? I guess nothing. We are wasting our life fighting each other for small things like religion and money. There are much more valuable things at stake like your own existence.

We consider humans to be the only one species on earth that is civilized. But we conveniently forget that for each species the word civilized” may have entirely different meaning.

I am worried about the world, I think this earth belongs to everyone, America does not belong to Americans, Russia is not only for Russians or same applies to China or India. We need a universal currency and a single country. We must only have a single religion called humanity. When there are no boarders, we will stop spending money on nuclear bombs and a big army. The cost of one nuclear bomb will be able to feed the starving population in an African country for many years; it can be used to educate the each and every uneducated person in this world. Think about the stock pile of nuclear bombs we kept in our hidden stores. We demolish them and use it to fuel the world’s energy needs. Life should be treated as the most valuable, sacred thing on earth; everyone must have the right to live and those who directly or indirectly engage in activities that result in damaging life relinquishes them of the right to live in this earth.

Tolerance is the most important word in the new world. Tolerance is not about letting others spoil your life, it is about letting others believe in what they believe as far as it does not disrupt anyone else beliefs. Basically live and let others live.

Hey guys, when you read it don’t call me nuts. I am just positing it to see how many others are as curious as me to know WHERE WE CAME FROM?

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